
基于生物量的扶桑绵粉蚧虫口当量研究及其应用 被引量:6

Research on individual equivalency of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley based on biomass and its application
摘要 测定了以棉花为食料的扶桑绵粉蚧1龄若虫、2龄若虫、3龄若虫、4~5日龄和12~14日龄雌成虫的生物量。结果表明,随着不断发育,该虫虫体质量呈加速度增大趋势,3龄若虫后进入了快速增长期,12~14日龄时即将产仔前达到最大。建立了虫体重(Y)与虫态(X)之间的方程为Y=0.030 4X3.5552。提出了以3龄若虫为基准的虫口当量指标体系,并进行了示范。 The biomasses of 1st nymph,2nd nymph,3rd nymph,4~5 days and 12~14 days of female Phenacoccus solenopsis fed on cotton were tested.And the results indicated that weight of the insect body increased with its development.They grew up rapidly after 3rd age,and reached the peak at the age of 12~14 days.The relationship between the body weight and development stage could be described by the model Y=0.030 4X3.555 2.Individual equivalency index system was proposed and demonstrated based on the 3rd nymph.
出处 《中国植保导刊》 北大核心 2011年第8期5-7,共3页 China Plant Protection
基金 国家质量监督检验检疫总局课题(2010IK250)
关键词 扶桑绵粉蚧 虫期 生物量 虫口当量 Phenacoccus solenopsis stage biomass individual equivalency
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