6Nishi K.Hot Water Soil Sterilization:Theories and records of application.Japan Greenhouse Horticulture Association,Tokyo:2002,185. 被引量:1
7Nishi K.Soil Sterilization With hot water injection,a new control measure for soilborne diseases,nematodes and weeds.PSJ (The Phytopathological Society of Japan) Soilborne Disease Workshop Report[J] ,2000(20):190-199. 被引量:1
8Nishi K,A Tateya.Soil sterilization by alternatives and use of resistant varieties and stock for the control of soil disease and nematode in tomato production in Japan(2006a).Contribution for MBTOC progress report of May 2006. 被引量:1
9Nishi K,A Tateya.Independence of methyl bromide pre-planting soil fumigation by the application of tray-rack culture system for strawberry fruit and runner production in Japan (2006b).Contribution for MBTOC progress report of May 2006. 被引量:1
10Nishi K,Namiki S,Hirayae K,Ujita Y.Effectiveness of deep ploughing for soil sterilization with hot water injection.Kynshu Plant ProtocfionResearch[J] ,2000(46):50-53. 被引量:1