机动车道径流污染是城市面源污染的重要组成部分。通过对北京城区机动车道径流进行调研,对径流水质状况及特性进行了分析。结果表明:路面径流中常规污染物的平均浓度均超出《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)中Ⅴ类水体标准,各污染物与SS的相关性较好,径流可生物降解性较差,沉淀性较好;降雨特性、交通流量、道路周围土地利用类型及环境特征对径流水质存在影响;污染物的浓度初期效应明显;污染负荷排放的初期效应程度较小,且易溶性污染物更易产生。研究结论可为城市路面径流污染控制技术的实施及路面径流资源化利用提供依据。
Motor way runoff pollution is an important part of the urban non-point source pollution. On basis of investigation of urban motorway runoff in Beijing, runoff quality and characteristics were analyzed and summarized. The results show that the average con- centration of the conventional pollutants in road runoff is beyond level V of the Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB 3838--2002), and all pollutants show good correlation with SS. Moreover, biodegradability of runoff is not obvious and preeipitability is good; rainfall characteristics, traffic flow, land use types and environmental features around the road influence the runoff quality; concentration of first flush is significant, but pollution of load first flush is not significant, which happens more easily for freely soluble pollutant. The research results can provide reference for pollution control technology implementation and resource utilization of the ur- ban road runoff.
Water Purification Technology