随着国家节能减排工作的大力推进,COD作为减排中四个重要约束性指标之一,其分析的准确性极大地影响着COD减排工作的顺利实施。本文根据《水质化学需氧量的测定重铬酸盐法》(GB11914-89),结合《水质采样技术指导》(HJ 494-2009)要求及笔者多年COD分析测试工作经验,着重探讨重铬酸盐法中水样中悬浮物及氯离子对测定结果的影响,以求在实际工作中能更准确、更方便地完成水样中COD的分析工作。
With the work vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction, COD reduction as a target in one of four key binding, the accuracy of the analysis greatly affect the smooth implementation of the COD reduction. According to "Water Quality Determination of Dichromate COD Method"( GB11914 -89) , with "water quality sampling technical guidance" (HJ 494 -2009 ) COD analysis of requirements and test writer for many years of experience, focusing on the dichromate Salt water sample in the suspended solids and chloride ions on the determination results, in practical work in order to more accurately and more convenient to complete the analysis of COD in water samples of work.
Environment & Development