
断裂·扩展·互动:新中国政治的解读──兼评米斯拉的《从后毛主义到后马克思主义》 被引量:1

Breaking-up, Expansion and Interaction: An Interpretation of the New China’s Politics ——Comments on Misra’s From Post-Maoism to Post-Marxism
摘要 随着新中国的成立,以马克思主义为一元指导的意识形态也被确立。面对国内外局势的变化,中国共产党在进行社会主义建设中也面临着政治合法性的危机。卡尔帕娜·米斯拉在《从后毛主义到后马克思主义》中深入地探讨了后毛泽东时代官方意识形态与中国政治合法性的关系、后现代语境下中国的官方理论的转变、中国知识分子与党和国家政权的关系等许多政治文化议题。该书对我们理解当前中国特色社会主义建设具有重大的理论启示意义。 With the founding of New China, Marxism has been established as the only guiding ideology. The Communist Party of China is also facing a crisis of political legitimacy in developing socialism with changes of the situation at home and abroad. Kalpana Misra discussed such political and cultural issues in-depth in his From Post-Maoism to Post-Marxism as the relationship between China's official ideology and political legitimacy in the post-Mao era, the transformation of China’s official theories in the context of post-modern as well as the relationship between Chinese intellectuals and the Party and state. Undoubtedly, the book offers us great theoretical enlightenment in understanding the current socialism building with Chinese characteristics.
作者 冯旺舟
出处 《常熟理工学院学报》 2011年第5期6-12,共7页 Journal of Changshu Institute of Technology
关键词 米斯拉 政治合法性 后毛主义 后马克思主义 Misra political legitimacy Post-Maoism Post-Marxism
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