In the cases of traffic accident involving transportation of radioactive materials, the radioactive materials would release into the environment following the container breakage as a result of fire or im-pact force. Therefore, risk assessment on radioactive materials trans-port accident is conducive for accident prevention and risk control. Considering the accident process of radioactive materials transportation, the risk analytical frame of radioactive materials release is investigated. The environment loads severity of truck accidents were represented by impact velocity and fire duration according to the sta-tistical data of truck accidents. The environment loads severity could be classified to four categories. Based on the statistical data of impact velocity and fire duration of transport accident as well as the classifi- cation of accident severity, combined with the failure characteristics of transport container, the quantitative assessment method of release accident rate for radioactive material transport was developed. The method and the statistical accident data was then applied in one ease study. At last, based on the assessment method, the design of pack- age container capability is discussed for controlling the risk of ra- dioactive materials transport accidents. The results show that by im- proving the capability of package container, the probability of ra- dioactive material release can be reduced obviously. The application results of the developed assessment method show that a preliminary quantitative estimation for radioactive material release in transport accident can be obtained. Nevertheless, there is still lacking of corresponding statistical data of accident load environment and further investigations are needed.
Journal of Safety and Environment
nuclear safety
risk analysis, transport accident
accident severity