目的探讨鞘氨醇-1-磷酸(S1P)对外周血单核细胞诱生的人耐受型树突状细胞(tDC)免疫学功能的调控作用。方法 RT-PCR和流式检测细胞表型以及S1P受体(S1PR s)的表达;加入S1P处理tDC,检测其对tDC表型、细胞因子表达以及信号蛋白细胞外调节蛋白激酶(ERK)磷酸化的影响。结果 tDC高表达DC标志CD209、共刺激分子CD80、CD86和成熟标志CD83;炎性细胞因子mRNA的表达低于未成熟DC,而抑炎性细胞因子、Fas-L和IDOmRNA的表达均高于iDC;tDC表达S1P的受体,S1P与受体相互作用后可引起信号蛋白ERK的磷酸化,上调tDC抑炎性细胞因子以及Fas-L mRNA的表达,对炎性细胞因子的表达无影响。结论 tDC表达S1P受体1、2、5,S1P信号活化后可上调抑炎性细胞因子mRNA的表达,而其表型和炎性细胞因子的分泌无明显变化,有利于tDC免疫耐受功能的发挥。
Objective To explore the immune modulation of sphingosine-1-phosphate(S1P)on human tolerogenic dendritic cells generated from peripheral monocytes.Methods RT-PCR and flow cytometry analysis were used to confirm phenotype as well as the expression of S1P receptors.The tolerogenic dentritic cells were treated with S1P,and the influences of S1P on cell phenotype,cytokine expression and ERK phosphorylation were also investigated.Results The tolerogenic dendritic cells expressed high levels of DC marker CD209,lower costimulatory molecules CD80,and CD86,maturation molecule CD83 and pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA,compared with immature dendritic cells;while mRNA level of Fas-L,IDO and other anti-inflammatory cytokines were higher than those of iDC.S1P receptors were expressed on tolerogenic dendritic cells.Interaction between S1P and its receptors could induce signal transducer ERK phorsphorylation,up-regulate mRNA expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and Fas-L but had little influence on inflammatory cytokines.Conclusion S1P recepter1,2,5 were expressed on human tolerogenic dendritic cells.The activation of S1P signaling could enhance anti-inflammatory cytokine expression but have little influence on phenotype and inflammatory cytokine expression,which may benefit their immune tolerance function.
Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion