目的:应用超声心动图检查,分析右心结构改变与心电图上V1导联P波终末电势(ptfV1)的关系。方法:对52例同时行心电图及超声心动图检查的病例进行分析。结果:右心房心尖四腔短径、右心室心尖四腔长径ptfV1值即P波直立组、ptfV1>-0.03 mm.s组、ptfV1≤-0.03 mm.s组三个组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P=0.001,表2);但各组间LSD法检测P波直立组与ptfV1>-0.03 mm.s组之间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。右心室短轴流出道内径ptfV1值即P波直立组、ptfV1≤-0.03 mm.s组、ptfV1>-0.03 mm.s组三个组间比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);但各组间LSD法检测P波直立组与ptfV1>-0.03 mm.s组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。肺动脉主干内径、右心房心尖四腔长径、左心室长轴观右心室前后径及右心室心尖四腔短径在P波直立组、ptfV1≤-0.03 mm.s组、ptfV1>-0.03 mm.s组三个组间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);各组间LSD法检测差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:心电图ptfV1的出现与右心结构变化有一定关系。
Objective:To study the relationship between the structural changes in right heart and the value of ptfV1 in electrocardiogram(ECG). Methods:We studied 52 patients who received both ECG and echocardiography examination and analyzed their right heart structure. Results: ptfV1value in short axis of four chambers in right atrium apical and in long axis of four chambers in right ventricle apical had the statistical differences among P wave upright group,ptfV1-0.03 mm/s group and ptfV1≤-0.03 mm/s group,P=0.001,while by LSD detection,ptfV1 value had no real difference between P wave upright group and ptfV1-0.03 mm/s group,P0.05.ptfV1 value in right ventricular short axis outflow had the statistical differences among the above 3 groups,P0.05,while by LSD detection,ptfV1 value had no real difference between P wave upright group and ptfV1-0.03 mm/s group,P0.05.ptfV1 value in pulmonary artery diameter,in long axis of four chambers in right atrium apical,in left ventricular long-axis view of the anterior/posterior diameter of right ventricle and short axis of four chambers in right ventricle apical had no real differences among 3 groups,P0.05,there was no real difference by LSD detection,P0.05. Conclusion:The appearance of ptfV1 in ECG is somewhat related to the structural changes of the right heart.
Chinese Circulation Journal