
上海市浦东新区现制现售水供水站卫生现况调查及分析 被引量:3

Investigation and analysis on the current sanitaion situation of water supply stations in Pudong New district in Shan ghai
摘要 目的为了解上海市浦东新区现制现售水供水站卫生状况,保障现制现售水饮用人群的健康安全。方法以上海市浦东新区辖区内所有从事现制现售水生产和销售的供水站为对象,随机抽取45家对其一般情况、经营场所卫生及设施情况、净水设备外表整洁及完整情况、自身管理情况、从业人员健康体检情况、水质情况、供水站内从业人员手部卫生情况、饮用水桶卫生情况及供水站室内空气污染情况展开卫生学调查。结果许多被调查的供水站在场地选址、场所周边环境、室内环境卫生情况、自身经营管理情况等方面都存在问题;而所有的被调查供水站的经营场地面积、室内功能布局及卫生设施远未达到定型包装饮水生产企业卫生规范的要求,无法保障所制纯净水的卫生安全。检测数据表明,被调查的供水站所制净水合格率仅为62.2%。同时,有23家(51.1%)供水站的室内空气污染程度已属低等清洁程度或更严重;站内清洗消毒后的待灌装桶细菌总数和霉菌数检出率分别达到57.8%和35.6%;从业人员手部细菌总数中位数为101.98个/cm2,大肠菌群检出率为5%。结论现制现售水供水站卫生状况不佳,已成为一种变相的桶装饮用水生产经营行为,建议政府有关部门采取措施,使其逐渐退出市场。 Objective To find out the current sanitation situation of water supply stations in Pudong New Area, Shanghai and protect the health and safety for people who drinking water from them. Method All the water supply stations producing and selling water simultaneously in Pudong New Area axe research objects and from them 45 water supply stations are randomly selected and investigated. The general situation, sanitary conditions of business places and facilities, appearance and integriety of water purification equipment, self-management, employees' health condition, water quality ,employees' hand hygiene, water containers hygiene and water supply stations indoor air quality are all investigated. Results Many stations surveyed have some kinds of problems in location, sm'~unding environment, indoor environment, operation and management And the operating space, indoor and functional layout and healthfacilities of all surveyed water supply stations are far below the health standard that is set for packaged drinking water manufacturers, and can not guarantee the health and safety of purified water. Test data show that pass rate of the purified water from those water supply stations is only 62. 2%. Meanwhile, there are 23 ( accounting for 51.1% ) water supply stations whose air quality is lower than clean or even more serious. The detection rates of total bacteria and fungi in the barrels that are cleaned and disinfected for filling are 57. 8% and 35.6% ,respectively. The median of the number of bacteria on the employees' hands is 101.98 per cm2, and the detection rate of coliform is 5%. Conclusion The current system of water supply stations has became a disguised form of bottled drinking water production and management behavior. Because of their poor health conditions and low pass rate of purified water, they have became a potential risk for public health. It is suggested that government departments should take measures to gradually withdraw them from the market.
出处 《中国卫生监督杂志》 2011年第4期326-330,共5页 Chinese Journal of Health Inspection
基金 上海市浦东新区社会发展局卫生科技发展专项基金资助(PWRd2007-10)
关键词 现制现售 供水站 卫生现况 imultaneous water producing and selling water supply stations sanitation situation
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