
副猪嗜血杆菌广东分离株对断奶仔猪的毒力测定 被引量:2

Piglets infecting test of Haemophilus parasuis Guangdong isolates
摘要 为研究广东省兽医公共卫生实验室分离保存的广东地区副猪嗜血杆菌流行血清型菌株对断奶仔猪的毒力和致病性,并了解从豚鼠试验中筛选出来的副猪嗜血杆菌毒力株是否对其宿主也具有同等毒力,通过腹腔接种的方式感染6周龄健康断奶仔猪,感染活菌含量7×109 CFU,攻毒后观察3周,每天记录其临床症状、剖检死亡及濒死的猪,分离细菌并观察病理变化。结果显示,从豚鼠试验筛选出的广州地区流行血清型4型、5型、12型的强毒株和弱毒株通过腹腔接种7×109 CFU/头副猪嗜血杆菌都可以引起仔猪发病,但血清型之间及同一血清型不同菌株之间的发病和死亡情况存在差异,血清5型分离菌株强毒株H45和弱毒株H9的发病率和死亡率均高于血清4型和12型分离菌,血清4型H25和12型H31的毒力分别强于其弱毒株H33和H30,24 h后死亡的仔猪具有明显的格氏病的典型临床症状和病理变化。 The aim of this study was to examine the prevalent serovars of Haemophilus parasuis guangdong isolates separated and conserved by Guangdong common lab of veterinary public health for virulence and pathogenicity by inoculation of piglet,meanwhile,compared the relations of Haemophilus parasuis in guinea and piglet,6-week-old piglets were intraperitoneal inoculated with an inoculum containing 7×109 colony-forming units of Haemophilus parasuis,the virulence of the different isolates to pigs was evaluated by clinical signs,lesions and average daily weight gain after intraperitoneal inoculation,the result showed that differences in incidence and death between prevalent serovar isolates and within serotypes,serovar 5 isolates was more virulent than serovar 4 and serovar 12,causing higher incidence and death,serovar 4 isolates H25 and serovar 12 isolates H31 were more virulent than H33 and H30.The characteristic clinical signs and lesions were occurred in the piglets inoculated after 24 hours.
出处 《广东农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第14期105-107,119,F0003,共5页 Guangdong Agricultural Sciences
基金 广东省农业攻关项目(2007A020300005-11) 广东省农业科技重点专项(2009A020101006) 广州市重大科技专项(2009A1-E041)
关键词 副猪嗜血杆菌 断奶仔猪 腹腔接种 毒力测定 Haemophilus parasuis piglet intraperitoneal inoculation virulence determination
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