目的了解我院门诊抗生素使用情况,为门诊抗生素合理应用的临床监管提供可靠资料。方法收集我院2010年第一季度门诊处方28919张和2011年第一季度门诊处方33858张,对处方中所用抗生素种类及数量等进行归纳分析。结果 2010年第一季度门诊处方28919张中,开具抗生素的处方有6484(22.42%)张。在所有抗生素处方中,口服抗生素占46%,注射剂型抗生素占49%,其他给药途径占5%;第一代头孢类抗菌素是门诊使用频率最高的抗生素占20.06%,其次为第三代头孢类和青霉素类抗生素。2011年第一季度门诊处方33858张中,开具抗生素的处方有5601(16.54%)张。在所有抗生素处方中,口服抗生素占39%,注射剂型抗生素占54%,其他给药途径占7%;第三代头孢类抗菌素是门诊使用频率最高的抗生素占27.48%,其次为喹诺酮类和青霉素类抗生素。结论我院门诊抗生素的使用基本合理,但仍有一些亟待解决的问题,对医院门诊抗生素的使用进行动态监测,对于抗生素合理应用具有一定临床意义。
Objective To understood the status of antibiotic used in outpatient, and provide reliable information for clinical monitoring of rational use of antibiotics in outpatient. Methods Collected 28919 copies of prescription of outpatient from 2010 and 33858 copies of prescription of outpatient from 2011 to analysis the types and quantities of antibiotics. Results In 2010, among 28919 prescriptions, 6484 (22.42%) included antibiotics. In all antibiotic prescriptions, 46% were oral antibiotics,49% were injection. 5% were the others. The first generation Cephalosporins were the most frequently used in outpatient accounted for 20.06%, The third generation Cephalosporins and Penicillin antibiotics were next. In 2011, among 33858 prescriptions, 5601 (16. 54% ) included antibiotics. In all antibiotic prescriptions,39% were oral antibiotics,54% were injection. 7% were the others. The third generation Cephalosporins were the most frequently used in outpatient accounted for 27.48% ,Carbostyril and Penicillin antibioticswere next. Conclusion The use of antibiotics in outpatient is rationally, dynamic monitoring of the use of antibiotics for the rational use of antibiotics have some clinical sig- nificance.
Chinese Journal of Modern Drug Application
Outpatient medical prescription
Analysis of drug-use