为了高效与方便地聚集异构环境下的网络资源,提出一种基于.NET的通用计算资源共享环境GCRSE。GCRSE在体系结构上利用了节点功能角色的方式,由服务器功能实体、自愿机功能实体和客户机功能实体组成。它利用.NET的Web services技术,通过网页的方式提交、执行与传输并行分布式应用相关的任务和子任务。在编程模型上支持普通的主—从模式的编程模式和具有子任务递归迭代的分治模式编程。自愿机端的心跳消息和面向子任务的容错方式可以达到可靠性高的效果。GCRSE的测试环境通过局域网内的若干台自愿机组成,选择了具有数据依赖的分布式旅行商(TSP)问题进行测试,结果表明对于分布式计算中大量的子任务GCRSE环境可以很快地完成,具有高效性、可扩展性和通用性的特点。
In order to aggregate and utilize network resource efficiently and conveniently, a . NET based approach for general computing resource sharing environments over the Internet called GCRSE was proposed. Using the node function role approach, GCRSE was composed of three kinds of node: role peers, named server, volunteers and clients. With the Web services of . NET, GCRSE can submit, execute and transport the tasks and subtasks about the parallel applications across the Internet. Besides the master-slave style parallel programming model and the divide-conquer style were also supported on GCRSE. A heartbeat message and subtask oriented fault tolerance policy were also used which can achieve the reliability. The results obtained from performance analysis show that the throughput and speedup of GCRSE are good and it is a feasible and efficient approach which can provide a new way for computing resource sharing over the Internet.
journal of Computer Applications