目的评价铅作业男性工人的血铅、尿铅水平及其影响因素,研究铅作业男性工人的血清中性激素水平的改变并探讨其机制。方法 2011年1月,选取深圳市某蓄电池厂铅作业男工120名作为接触组,按工作场所空气中铅含量的水平分成高、中、低3个接触浓度组;并选取来自同一家工厂未接触铅作业的40名男工作为对照组,测定4个组人群的血铅、尿铅、血清睾酮、FSH(促卵泡刺激素)及LH(促黄体生成素)的水平并进行统计分析。结果工作场所空气中铅浓度平均为0.29mg/m3,样品超标率为90%;3个接触组血铅、尿铅含量、尿铅异常率均明显高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义,且各接触组间血铅水平及异常率比较,差异也均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);随着工龄的增长,工人血铅、尿铅水平和异常率均有升高的趋势;中、高浓度接触组工人的血清睾酮水平均低于对照组和低浓度接触组,而血清FSH水平均高于对照组和低浓度接触组,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。结论在该次研究的条件下,工龄增加、工作场所中铅浓度超标是导致血铅、尿铅水平升高的主要危险因素;铅暴露可能对下丘脑—垂体—睾丸轴的性激素分泌功能造成影响,从而对男性工人的生殖系统产生内分泌干扰作用。
[Objective]To evaluate the levels of blood lead and urinary lead and among lead-exposed male workers and the influencing factors,and study the variation of serum sex hormone and its related mechanism.[Methods]A total of 120 male workers that engaged in lead-exposed operation were selected from a lead storage battery manufacture plant as the exposed group in January 2011,which was furthermore partitioned into high,medium and low-dose exposed-groups.Another 40 male workers without lead exposure from the same plant were selected as the control group.Urine samples were collected for the measurement of urinary lead,and blood samples for measurements of blood lead,serum testosterone,FSH and LH.[Results]The average lead concentration in the workplace air was 0.29 mg/m3,and 90% samples' concentration were higher than the national occupational health standard.Blood and urinary lead level and abnormity rate of 3 exposed-groups were all increased significantly compared with the control group,and differences of blood lead level and abnormity rate between the 3 exposed-groups were also significant(all P0.01).With the growth of the length of service,blood and urinary lead level and abnormity rate of 3 exposed-groups represented a increasing tendency.Serum testosterone concentration of the medium and high dose exposed-groups were decreased significantly compared to the control group and the low dose exposed-group,to which the results of serum FSH concentrations were contrary(all P0.01).[Conclusion]Under the conditions of this study,the growth of service length and high concentration of lead in the work place are both major risk factors for the increasing of blood and urinary lead.Lead-exposure can influence the sex hormone secreting function of hypothalamus-hypophysis-testicle axis,which will make interference effect on internal secretion of male workers' reproductive system.
Occupation and Health
Lead exposure
Blood lead
Urinary lead
Arrenotokous toxic action
Sex hormone