测量辽河、黄河、长江、瓯江、珠江及南流江六个水系绒螯蟹群体的 32个外部形态特征 ,进行聚类分析和判别分析。聚类分析将辽河、黄河、长江和瓯江四个北方水系的蟹划为一组 ,把珠江和南流江两个南方水系的蟹划为另一组 ,两组之间形态差异极显著 (P <0 .0 1)。判别分析亦可将北方蟹和南方蟹完全分开 ,判别准确率达 10 0 %。至于样本所属水系的判别 ,对北方四水系蟹的判别平均拟合概率为 86%,其中长江最低 ,为 73%,黄河最高 ,为 97%;对南方二水系蟹的判别平均拟合概率为 95%,南流江为 96%,珠江为 94 %。又对区别水系所属贡献较大的特征参数进行单因子方差分析 ,计算差异系数 ,根据Mayr等 [1953]提出的 75%规则 ,认为北方蟹与南方蟹之间的形态差异是亚种以上水平的差异 ,而北方蟹内部与南方蟹内部各水系之间差异则属不同地理种群间的差异。
Based on 32 morphological characters of each mitten crab(Eriocheir sinensis or E.japonicus) from six rivers, Liaohe, Huanghe, Yangtze, Oujiang, Pearl and Nanliujiang, Cluster analysis and discriminant analysis were conducted. In the result of cluster analysis, crabs from northern rivers, Liaohe, Huanghe, Yangtze and Oujiang were pooled into one group as E.sinensis, while crabs from southern rivers, Pearl and Nanliujiang were pooled into another group as E.japonicus. In discriminant analysis, crabs of northern rivers could be divided from southern rivers automatically, and the accuracy rate of discrimination was 100%. Mean accuracy rate of discrimination on crabs from northern rivers, Liaohe, Huanghe, Yangtze and Oujiang, was 86%. Yangtze was the lowest, 73%, while Huanghe was the highest, 97%. Mean accuracy rate of discrimination on crabs from southern rivers, Pearl and Nanliujiang, was 95%, Nanliujiang was 96%, Pearl was 94%. ANOVA was conducted on parameters highly contributed to distinguish the populations of mitten crab, and coefficients of difference were calculated. According to Mayr (1953) 75% rule, in this paper the results indicated that difference between crabs from northern and southern rivers was greater than difference between subspecies, while difference between crabs of four northern rivers and between crabs of two southern rivers belong to of population level.
Journal of Fisheries of China
国家"九五"科技攻关项目! (中华绒螯蟹种质鉴定技术研究 )
Eriocheir sinensis
Eriocheir japonicus
Cluster analysis
Discriminant analysis