目的 了解海口市新华区城区6 岁以下儿童生长发育和营养状况。方法 采取分层多级整群随机抽样法抽查432 户,按全国营养监测调查表设计的内容作逐项调查,并利用卫生部卫生信息中心提供的C- EPI软件进行数据分析。结果 该区新生儿出生低体重率为2-6 % ,6 岁以下儿童低体重发生率和发育迟缓率分别为8-2 % 和12-8 % ;呼吸系统及腹泻两周患病率依次为19-6 % 和3-8 % ,儿童母乳喂养率达94-8 % 。结论 该市儿童低体重和发育迟缓发生率均低于或接近全国平均水平。
Objectiles To find out the growth and nutritional status for children under 6 years of age in xing Hua disrict of Haikou city. Methods The 432 house holds were sampled by the stratified multi-stage cluster random sampling method. The inspection items of national nutition supewise were couducted one by one. The date was analyced by the C-EPI software from Health information Center of the Minister of pablic Health. Results The prevalence of low birth weight among Children in this district was 2.6%, The prevalecce of low weight and stunting for children under 6 years of age were 8.2% and 12.8% respectively. The two weeks period suffering from respiratory diseases and diarrhea were 19.6% and 3.8% respectively The breas feeding rate was 94.8%. Conalusions The prevalences of low weight and stunting were lower than or near to the national average lever. [
Practical Preventive Medicine
Children Nutritional status Surveillance