随着信息化的高速发展,信息共享和数据交换的需求日益增加,而传统"点对点"的信息交换效率低也不便实施。结合成熟的XML技术,基于XML的Web Services技术又为数据交换增添了一种新方法。成为人们研究的热点。依据目前实现的政府与企业之间的一个数据交换的Web Services数据交换平台,解决异构数据交换和共享问题。通过这一平台,可以把各业务系统内外部的各种相关数据资源进行整合,实现实时的数据交换和应用。
With the rapid development of information technology,demand for information sharing and data exchanging have been increasing,while the traditional point to point information exchange is low efficiency and it is difficult to be implemented,there is a new method for data exchange which is mature XML technologies combined with XML-based Web Services technology,this new method is become a research focus.Therefore,tries to achieve a data exchange between the Web services platform which is based on the current government and enterprises,at the same time solve the problem of heterogeneous data exchange and sharing.Through this platform,all the various internal and external business systems related data resources can be integrated,aimed to achieve real-time data exchange and applications.