为了改善开发区土地集约利用评价的工作环境,提高工作效率,本研究采用功能分析法、信息系统分析设计等方法,结合VS.NET、组件式GIS开发平台(ArcGIS Engine)、数据库等技术,提出了系统的总体设计方案,开发实现了部分功能。最后将系统在招远市进行了实例应用,取得了良好的效果。
In order to improve the work environment for intensive land use evaluation in the development zone and raise working efficiency, this paper proposes a general information system ana design scheme for this system and develo lysis design, with the VS. NET, COMGIS system in Zhaoyuan City as a case study wi ps partial development platform ( ArcGIS Engine),
Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources