本文通过对国土资源与社会经济发展的关系进行分析, 分别从国土资源的直接产出效益、国土资源的产业关联效益、国土资源对稳定就业以及平衡外汇收支和吸引外资等角度,就国土资源对社会经济的支撑与保证作用进行了论证, 并且从经济发展阶段和区域发展差异的角度,
There exists interrelation between land resources and socio economic development.Taking the relationship as its starting point,the article makes discussions on the roles of land resources in different concerns,such as the immediate output profit,the industry relevance profit,the employment maintaining,the foreign exchange balance and foreign investment seeking.It concludes that the roles of land resources are still essential to the social and economic development today,since there exist differences in development stage and region.
Geological Technoeconomic Management