在授粉受精期对不同苹果品种进行分析表明,发育不良的苹果幼果于物质积累少,Ca、Mg浓度(mg/g DW)高于正常果,而单果Ca、Mg、K含量(mg/F)低于正常果。幼果的Ca、Mg浓度先增高后下降,K浓度的变化较小,而单果Ca、Mg、K含量逐渐增多,不良果的Ca、Mg、K水平变化小,且滞后于良果。
The fruit development and levels of Ca, Mg and K in various apple varieties during the pollination and fertilization stage were analyzed, the results indicated that abnormal fruit accumulated lower dry matter, possessed higher Ca, Mg concentrations(mg/g DW)but lower Ca, Mg, K content in single fruit compared with normal ones. The concentrations of Ca, Mg in normal fruit increased first and then decreased, K concentration changed slightly, but the content of Ca.Mg, K in single fruit gradually increased, which changes in abnormal fruit were less and slower than normal ones.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences