
PFOA替代品研究及其在氟橡胶中的应用 被引量:6

Study on the PFOA Substitute and its Application in the Polymerization of Fluoroelastomer
摘要 针对全氟辛酸(PFOA)可能引发的环境和健康问题,开发出了一种复配型的表面活性剂FS。对FS的表面性能和在氟聚合物中的适用性进行了研究,并对比了PFOA体系和FS体系在氟橡胶聚合中的应用数据,结果表明,采用FS体系后,氟橡胶的性能没有明显改变,仍然能适应生产和客户应用的需要,可以作为PFOA在氟橡胶中的替代品。 A kind of multiplex surfactant(FS) is studied for resolving the problems that may be caused by PFOA.The surface tension of FS is measured and the performance of FS is testified that FS can be used in the fluoroelastomer.The two kinds of surfactant,PFOA and FS are applied and compared in the polymerization of fluoroelastomer.The application of FS doesn' t change the capability of fluoroelastomer.The results of the study demonstrate that the FS can be substituted for PFOA in the polymerization of fluoroelastomer.
出处 《有机氟工业》 CAS 2011年第2期20-23,共4页 Organo-Fluorine Industry
关键词 全氟辛酸 替代 氟橡胶 PFOA substitute fluoroelastomer
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