根据同源重组机制,以水稻17S-5.8SrDNA 2.5 kb 同源片段和含有MT基因、Km r 基因的外源DNA片段构建了质粒载体pURKMT,并用电激法转化水稻愈伤组织,经Km 筛选,获得了对Km 抗性明显高于基础抗性的愈伤组织.经DNA斑点杂交检测,证实外源基因已整合到水稻基因组DNA中.
According to them echanism ofhom ologous recom bination, a new plasm id vector pURKMT was constructed, w hich contained Kanam ycin resistance gene, Metalloth- ionein geneand 2.5 kb hom ologous fragm entofOryza Sativa L. including 17S-5.8Sribosom al DNA. Then, donor plasm id pURKMT was introduced into intactrice calliby electrporation. By selection by kanam ycin, the transform antcalli, w hose kanam ycin resistance w as obviously higher than basic resistance, w ere obtained. Dot blotting data show ed that the foreign DNA had been integrated into rice genom e DNA. The results provided a new plasm id vector for transform ation offoreign gene in Oryza Sativa L..
Journal of Xiamen University:Natural Science