通过对东北地区龙胆草斑枯病的调查,明确了斑枯病是龙胆草上发生最普遍、为害最重的病害之一。光学显微镜及电子显微镜观察、致病性及寄主范围的测定和可溶性蛋白质电泳图谱的测定结果表明,龙胆草斑枯病菌有Septoria microspora Speg.、S. gentianae Thüm.和S. gentinicola Baudys et Picb.。其中S. microspora为害性最强,是主要病原菌,S. gentianicola为害龙胆草在吉林省首次报道。孢子悬液分离法是分离该病原菌的适宜方法,初步确认病原菌寄主范围较窄。
According to the investigation on the gentian leaf spot in Northeast China. It was determined that the gentian leaf spot is the most popular and severest disease of gentian. It is discovered that gentian leaf spot are caused by three pathogen species through the observation by means of both optical microscope and electron microscope, the test of host range and the electrophoresis mapping of soluble proteins. The three species are Septoria microspora, Speg. , S. gentianae Thum, and S. gentianicola Baudys et Picb. . S. microspora is the main pathogen. S. gentianae was the first record in Jilin Province. Spore suspension separating method is the suitable separating method of the pathogen. It is basically ascertained that the host range of these pathogens is narrow.
Journal of Plant Protection