稀土化学键的共价性和4f 轨道在成键中的作用是化学界长期争论的问题之一。近年来的理论和实验研究结果表明,4f 轨道参与了稀土化合物化学键的形成,稀土化学键具有相当大程度的共价性。4f 轨道的参与比例和稀土化学键共价性成分的定量确定还需做大量的工作。
There has long been a contreversial guestion for the role of 4 f orbitals and the covalent characteristics of chemical bonds of rare earth compounds.The recent theories and experiments indicate that 4 f orbitals play in forming the rare earth compound bonds and that the bonds are quite covalent.There is much work to do in finding the accurate ratioes of the 4 f oritals and determining the covalent content in rare earth compocends bonds.
Chemical Research