目的和方法:采用ABC免疫组织化学法结合图象分析,观察大鼠脑组织神经肽Y、亮氨酸脑啡肽、强啡肽A113 在长期( 共7 周)大强度(速度由15 m/min 递增至35 m/min、运动时间为20 ~25 min/d) 的运动下的变化。结果:安静状态下在丘脑室旁核(PV) 、下丘脑背内侧核(DM) 、下丘脑腹内侧核(VMH)等核团NPY 无显著性变化;在此基础上的末次急性运动结束后3 h NPY 变化尤为明显。安静状态下大鼠尾壳核LENK 下降;而末次急性运动后大鼠下丘脑LENK 被迅速激活而升高。该强度运动能激活下丘脑DYNA113 ,尤以运动结束后30 min 最为明显。结论: NPY、LENK、DYNA113
Aim and Methods:To study the mechanism of long term (total 7 weeks) and high intensity exercise (speed from 15 m/min gradually increased to 35 m/min, 20 to 25 min/d duration)on changes of NPY, L ENK and DYN A 1 13 in different areas of rat brain. The method of avidin biotin complex immunohistochemistry integrating with image pattern analysis was adopted.Results:In such intensity exercise, the rats brain NPY was unchanged in paraventricular thalamic (PV), dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DM) and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclues (VMH) at their pre exercise state, but it was changed obviously especially at 3 hours post exercise after final exercise. L ENK was decreased in caudate putamen at their pre exercise state, but it was activated with sharply increased after final exercise. DYN A 1 13 in hypothalama could be activated by such exercise, especially at 30 minutes post exercise. Conclusion: The dynamic changes of NPY,L ENK and DYN A 1 13 in different areas of rat brain were not the same. To study the mechanism of long term (total 7 weeks) and high intensity exercise (speed from 15 m/min gradually increased to 35 m/min, 20 to 25 min/d duration)on changes of NPY, L ENK and DYN A 1 13 in different areas of rat brain. The method of avidin biotin complex immunohistochemistry integrating with image pattern analysis was adopted.Results:In such intensity exercise, the rats brain NPY was unchanged in paraventricular thalamic (PV), dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DM) and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclues (VMH) at their pre exercise state, but it was changed obviously especially at 3 hours post exercise after final exercise. L ENK was decreased in caudate putamen at their pre exercise state, but it was activated with sharply increased after final exercise. DYN A 1 13 in hypothalama could be activated by such exercise, especially at 30 minutes post exercise. Conclusion: The dynamic changes of NPY,L ENK and DYN A 1 13 in different areas of rat brain were not
Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology
exercise induced fatigue
neuropeptide Y
leucine enkeplialin
dynorphin A_(1-13)