调查灵山县乙型脑炎流行村庄的人房、猪栏和牛舍,共捕获成蚊1343 只,其中库蚊属2 种、按蚊属2 种、伊蚊属1 种、阿蚊属1 种,三带喙库蚊种群构成比占75 .35 % 。同时调查乙脑病例村庄内及居民房外500m 以内的各种水体137 处,蚊幼和蛹孳生地阳性率为49 .6 % 。蚊幼和蛹有5 种,水体孳生阳性率三带喙库蚊最高,为37 .2 % ,其幼虫主要孳生地为稻田、莲藕田和田边沟渠。三带喙库蚊是灵山县的优势蚊种,也是这次乙脑流行的主要传播媒介。为控制乙脑疫情, 在人房和猪栏喷洒杀虫剂杀灭三带喙库蚊为防制的首选措施。
mosquito samples were collected from the epidemic area of Lingshan County, Guangxi, China. Among them were 2 species of Culex, 2 species of Anopheles , one species of Aedes as well as one species of Armigeres. While the Culex tritaeniorhynchus is the dominant among the mosquito population, the constituent ratio being as high as 75.35%. Meanwhile around the inside of 500 meters of the focus villages, 137 mosquito breeding places were surveyed, the larvae and pupa positive rate was 49.6%, while the positive rate of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus was 37.2%, they are most breeding in the ricefield, lotus root field and irregation canal. Because Cx. tritaeniorhynchus is the dominant species in the mosquito population, it is also the main vector of Japanese B encephalitis.In order to control the epidemic of disease, especially in the human house and the pig shelter, the insectcide spraying to eradicate the infected vectors is the first selection.
Guangxi Journal of Preventive Medicine
Vector Mosquito Survey Japanese B encephalitis