本文通过对辐射防护最优化(ALARA)理论与实际进展的回顾,指出目前ALARA 理论与实践在多目标、多决策者和复杂与不确定性决策分析方面存在的问题和困难,如决策目标函数或效用函数的确定、递阶层次结构的决策分析、复杂不确定系统符合ALARA 原则的防护水平的表示等。并进一步讨论了这些问题与代价利益分析方法中效用函数的确定、代价利益分布的不一致和一些容易忽略的影响因素之间的关系。这些问题的解决将进一步推进ALARA 的理论与实践工作。
After review of progress in the theory and practice of ALARA,some difficulties and problems were recognized in the respects of multipurpose analysis, multi decision makers and complexity and uncertainty,such as determination of decision making function or utility function,analysis of multi decision makers in hiberarchy structure,ALARA index for system with complexity and uncertainty.Some problems were discussed in methodology of cost benefit analysis related to the problems.
Radiation Protection Bulletin