
齿向鼓形修形及偏载对齿轮传动特性的影响研究 被引量:12

Influence of Gear Lead Crown Modification and Misalignment on Gear Transmission Characteristics
摘要 研究了齿向鼓形修形、齿轮轴平行度误差及载荷对齿轮传动系统振动的影响。首先使用Romax软件对比分析了修形、齿轮轴平行度误差及载荷对静态传递误差的影响规律。利用求得的静态传递误差建立了齿轮动力学方程,使用数值求解方式研究了齿轮轴平行度误差及齿向鼓形修形对齿轮动力学响应的影响。数值分析表明:1)齿轮轴平行度误差对齿轮的动态传递误差及动载系数有显著的影响;2)齿向鼓形修形能有效减少由于齿轮轴不平行所导致的振动。因此,齿向鼓形修形是减少齿轮轴不平行对齿轮工作情况影响所必需的修形方式。 The influence of lead crown mod bration was studied. The Romax software is crown modification, misalignment and the cussed. The gear dynamic function has been ification, misalignment and the used to calculate the gear static gear shaft parallel deviation on gear vi- transmission error; the influence of lead gear shaft parallel deviation on gear transmission error has been dis- created and the static transmission error has been considered in dynamic function. Numerical solution method was used to solve the dynamic function. The results show that the gear shaft parallel deviation has a great impact on gear dynamic transmission error and dynami crown modification can reduce the vibration caused by the gear shaft parallel deviation; is necessary to reduce the impact of gear shaft parallel deviation.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1331-1334,1342,共5页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50875263) 973计划项目(2011CB706800)资助
关键词 齿轮修形 传递误差 动载因子 gear modification transmission error dynamic load coefficient c load coefficient the lead the lead crown modification
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