1996 ~1997 年,分别在河南省许昌市的许昌县及鄢陵县进行人群及动物旋毛虫病流行病学调查。结果发现家猪旋毛虫感染率为2 .61% 。血清学检查,家猪、家鼠及人旋毛虫抗体阳性率依次为5 .45 % ,6 .61% 和4 .85 % ;汉民血清的阳性率(8 .82 % ) 高于回民(0 .96% )。对同1 份家猪肌肉标本采取直接压片法、人工消化法及血清学抗体检测3 种方法检查,发现直接压片法容易漏检,人工消化法及血清学抗体检测法的检出率较高。提示目前当地取上市猪肉膈肌直接压片镜检旋毛虫检疫方法亟待改进。为不漏检,建议对猪肉上市前检疫时先用血清学试验初筛,对检出阳性者再用人工消化法确证。
An epidemiological investigation of human and domestic animal trichinosis was carried out in Xuchang and Yanling of Xuchang City, Henan Province in 1996-1997. It was found that the infection rate of trichinosis in pig was 2.61%. By the ELISA method, the positive rates of antibody against Trichinella spiralis in pig, mice and human were 5.45%, 6.61% and 4.85 % respectively. The positive rate of antibody against T. spiralis in the sera of the Hans was 8.82%, and in the Huis 0.96 %. The larva in skeletal muscle was easily missed finding by the compression method than by the digestion or serologic method. In order to avoid the missed diagnosis, it is suggested that the pig before coming into the market be first examined by serologic method, and then the positive one further examined by digestion method for definite diagnosis.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control