2World Health Organization. Swine flu illness in the United States and Mexico - update 2[DB/OL]. (2009-04 26). http: //www. who. int/csr/don/2009_O4_26/en/index.html. 被引量:1
3CDC. Images of the H1N1 influenza virus[DB/OL]. (2009- 05-02). http://www. cde. gov/h1n1flu/images. htm. 被引量:1
4World Health Organization. Influenza-like illness in the United States and Mexico [DB/OL]. WHO Epidemic and Pandemic Alert and Response. (2009-02-24). http://www. who. int/csr/don/2009_04 24/en/index. html. 被引量:1
6CDC. What to do if you get flu-like symptoms [DB/OL]. (2009-05-02). http://www. cdc. gov/h1n1flu/sick. htm. 被引量:1
7CDC. Interim guidance on specimen collection and processing for patients with suspected swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection[DB/OL]. (2009-04-30). http://www. cdc. gov/ swineflu/specimencollection.htm. 被引量:1
8CDC. Guidance for clinicians & public health professionals [DB/OL]. (2009-04-30). http://www. cdc. gov/swineflu/guidance/. 被引量:1
9CDC, Use of rapid influenza diagnostic tests for patients with influenza-like illness during the novel H1N1 influenza virus (swine flu) outbreak[DB/OL]. ( 2009-05-02). http ://www. cdc. gov/h1n1flu/guidance/rapid_testing.htm. 被引量:1
10CDC. Interim guidance on antiviral recommendations for patients with confirmed or suspected swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection and close contacts[DB/OL]. (2009- 04-30). http: //www. cdc. gov/swineflu/recommendations. htm. 被引量:1