目的了解解放军医学图书馆科研状况和科技论文水平,为图书馆在科研工作、重点学科建设和人才培养等方面提供参考。方法利用清华同方中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)对解放军医学图书馆2000-2009年发表的中文论文情况统计,导入EXCEL对统计情况进行分析。结果 2000-2009年解放军医学图书馆共发表中文论文521篇(不包括29篇会议论文、年鉴),发表在58期刊上,2009年发表最多(74篇)。其中发表在《中华医学图书情报杂志》(非核心刊)的论文为248篇,占该馆发表论文总数的47.60%。署名第1作者的前10位中,发表论文最多的到达32篇,占前10位作者发文数量的17.88%;发文前10位作者都具有高级职称,总共发表论文179篇,占该馆发表论文总数的34.36%。内容主要为有关于数字图书馆、循证医学、参考咨询服务、信息资源评价及知识管理等方面。结论近10年该馆发表的论文总体呈上升趋势,在核心期刊上的论文比较少,并且部分论文质量不高;高产作者群已经形成,职称也较高,但集中度过高,人才梯队不合理;应用和非军事领域研究论文较多,理论和军事医学信息领域研究成果论文较少。
Objective To understand the reaserch situation and level of scientific papers of the Medical Library of Chinese PLA,provide references for research work,key disciplines construction and training of personnel.Methods Papers published during 2000-2009 by authors from Medical Library of Chinese PLA were stated by Tong fang China Academic Journal(CNKI),and the data was inputed into EXCEL and analyzed.Results During 2000-2009,authors from the Medical Library of Chinese PLA has published 521 papers(excluding the 29 conference papers,Yearbook),in 58 journals,most in 2009(74 papers).In which 248 papers were published in "Medical Library and Information Science"(non-core journals),accounting for 47.60% in total.All of top 10 first authors have senior professional titles,published 179 papers totally,accounting for 34.36% of the whole papers,mainly about digital library,evidence-based medicine,reference services,evaluation of information resources and management of knowledge,in which the top 1 pubulish up to 32 papers,accounting for 17.88% of the total papers published by those 10 authors.Conclusion An upward trend of published papaers during past 10 years was observed,papers published in core journals were relatively small,and few papers in high quality;yield of the group with high title has been formed,but over concentrated,and the echelon personnel was unreasonable;application and non-military research were more,few in theory and research in the field of military medicine achievement.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
medical library of Chinese PLA
China national knowledge infrastructure
military conflictmedical service preparation