目的探讨计算机辅助设计与制作(CAD—CAM)在下颌骨缺损赝复体设计、制作及临床中的应用。方法下颌骨升支及下颌角肿瘤患者6例术前行螺旋CT扫描,利用CAD—CAM在三维虚拟模型上进行模型外科设计,三维虚拟模型上调整下颌骨赝复体的位置、大小和形状。在达到最佳设计要求后,通过与电脑相连的精雕机直接将医用钛合金切削成钛赝复体,设计并制成与患者下颌骨缺损区正常外形相同的个体化钛赝复体,术中根据术前设计切除下颌骨病变区骨组织,植入个体化钛赝复体。结果6例术中显示下颌骨钛赝复体与下颌骨缺损区吻合程度一致。术后随访9~38个月。x线片显示钛赝复体与下颌骨贴合良好,重建的下颌骨形态对称良好。术后患者面部外形恢复正常,咬合关系及张口度恢复良好。结论CAD—CAM为下颌骨病变的术前手术设计、钛修复赝复体的个体化设计制作提供了精确的模拟及快速制作过程,简化了以往钛金属赝复体需要翻模铸造或快速原型法(rapid prototyping,RP)实体模型的制作流程,提高了手术的精确性,术后患者功能恢复良好。对于下颌骨升支及角部的缺损,钛金属赝复体不失为一种良好的修复重建方法。
Objective To investigate the application of computer aided design-computer aided manufacture (CAD-CAM) technique in the reconstruction of mandible defect with individual titanium prosthesis. Methods Six patients with large mandibular ramus and angle tumor were spiral CT scanned preoperatively, and the CAD-CAM was used to design and make individual titanium prosthesis for reconstructing the mandibular defects after resection of the tumor. The prosthesis were assembled during operation. Postoperative follow-up period was 9-38 months. Results The design and manufacture of titanium prosthesis by use of CAD-CAM technique was convenient and the prosthesis fitted the defects very well. The outline of the face, the occlusion and function were restored. After 9-38 months of follow-up, the mandibular symmetry was good. Conclusions The application of CAD-CAM provided accurate simulation and fast manufacturing process for the titanium prosthesis in the repair of mandibular defect.
Chinese Journal of Stomatology