Objective: Studying the effectiveness of combined utilization of Enapril and small dose of hydroehlorothiazide. Method : Select 160 cases of hyperpieties who are cured in our hospial and are all in accordance with WHO hyperlension diagnostic criteria revised in 1999. Apply drug discontinuance on all hpterpietics for three days and combined medication on them. Before treatment test their urine, electrolyte, renal function, blood fat, electrocardiogram and blood sugar, and during the treatment requires them to take 12.5mg hydroehlorothiazide orally for one time and enapril for two times per day. The dose of orally taken enapril per day is increasing from 2.5mg to 10 mg. The combined treatment of enapril and small dose of hydroehlorothiazide is generally one curative effect of four weeks. During this period, conduct urine, electro- lyte, renal function, blood fat, electrocardiogram and blood sugar tests for the patients every week. Result: After the four- week treatment, the average blood pressure of patients has reduced from [ (20.4 ± 0.8 ) / ( 13.3 ± 0.8 ) ] kPa to [ ( 17.5 ± 1.1 ) / ( 10.8± 1.2) ] kPa. The descending change of blood pressure for patients is of re- markable statistical significance ( i. e. P is less than 0.01 ). Among them there are 104 cases of excellent patients ,40 eases of effective patients, and 16 eases of ineffective patients. The overall effective rate is 90%. At the same time, after taking medicine there is no remarkable change in urine, electrolyte, renal function, blood fat; eleetreear- diogram and blood sugar. Conclusion: Making use of enapril and small dose of hydrochlorothiazide is of outstanding curative effects and clinical significance to the combined treatment of hyperpietics.
Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
Drug Combination
Analysis of Curative Effect