为提高弯刺蔷薇、疏花蔷薇、黄刺玫、刺梨和宽刺蔷薇种子的发芽率,采用萘乙酸(NAA)、赤霉素(GA)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)、室温清水和45℃清水处理低温沙藏2个月的种子。对弯刺蔷薇1号(海拔约1 500m处采集),100 mg/L GA浸泡24 h发芽率最高,可达57.33%;对弯刺蔷薇2号(海拔约600 m处采集),清水室温浸泡24 h即可获得最佳发芽率84.00%。对疏花蔷薇,各处理(NAA、GA、KMnO4和室温清水浸泡)差异不显著。45℃温水浸泡24 h强烈抑制上述2种蔷薇的萌发。在各种处理下,黄刺玫、刺梨和宽刺蔷薇的发芽率都低于7.00%,且各处理之间差异不显著。
To improve seed germination rates of Rosa beggeriana,Rosa laxa,Rosa xanthina,Rosa roxburghii and Rosa platyacantha,NAA,GA,KMnO4 or water were used to treat seeds which had been stored at low temperature for 2 months.For Rosa beggeriana collected at an altitude of about 1 500 meters,seeds soaked in 100 mg/L GA and reached the highest germination rate of 57.33%;for Rosa beggeriana collected at an altitude of about 600 meters,seeds soaked in water at room temperature and reached the highest germination rate of 84.00%.But for Rosa laxa,there were no significant differences among different treatments(NAA,GA,KMnO4 or water at room temperature).However,germination rates of these two Rosa seeds were highly inhabited by 45℃ water treatment.And it was also observed that germination rates of Rosa sxanthina,Rosa roxburghii and Rosa platyacantha were below 7.00% under all conditions and there were no significant differences among all the treatments.
Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture