
物理层网络编码研究进展 被引量:11

Research survey on physical layer network coding
摘要 在无线协作环境下,充分利用无线电磁波的广播特性进行物理层网络编码(PLNC)可获得更大的吞吐量和频谱利用率。在物理层网络编码基本思想的基础上,首先着重介绍三类物理层网络编码技术——有限域上的物理层网络编码、模拟网络编码和复数域上的网络编码,给出它们相关理论的研究现状,并对与此相结合的新技术进行了介绍;然后论述目前物理层网络编码应用实现的现状;最后对物理层网络编码相关理论及其应用实现的发展趋势进行了分析与展望。物理层网络编码理论的进一步完善,相关安全性的研究,以及与协作通信理论,如信道编码与调制、中继选择、调度及资源分配等进一步紧密结合等,将是其研究的重要趋势。 It has been proved that Physical Layer Network Coding(PLNC) can also improve the system throughput and spectral efficiency by taking the advantage of the broadcast nature of electromagnetic waves in wireless cooperative environments.In this paper,the basic idea of the PLNC was introduced and its benefit over traditional forward and straight-forward network coding under the two-way relay scenario was illustrated.Firstly,three types of physical layer network coding—Physical Network Coding over Finite Field(PNCF),Analog Network Coding(ANC) and Complex Field Network Coding(CFNC) were presented,the theory research development of the three kinds of PLNC were overviewed and new theory and technology related to it were introduced.Secondly,the application and implementation for the ANC scheme in the real wireless cooperative environments were overviewed.Finally,the opening issues and challenges for PLNC concerning both theory and implementation in near future were proposed.It is an important trend to improve the theory and implementation of PLNC,research the security of PLNC,and combine PLNC with other technologies,such as channel coding and modulation,relay choice,effective scheduling and resource allocation.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期2015-2020,2028,共7页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家"111计划"项目(B08004) "新一代宽带无线移动通信网"国家科技重大专项(2010ZX03003-003-01)
关键词 物理层网络编码 有限域物理层网络编码 模拟网络编码 复数域网络编码 Physical Layer Network Coding(PLNC) Physical Network Coding over Finite Field(PNCF) Analog Network Coding(ANC) Complex Field Network Coding(CFNC)
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