对3 a 生I69 杨树伐根萌芽更新与植苗造林的成活率和生长量的连续观测结果表明,在幼龄期,伐根萌芽更新比植苗造林用工少,成活率高,生长量大,而且可以节省大量的造林和抚育管护经费,经济效益显著。
The result,obtained by observing progressionally the surviving ratio and the growth of 3 years old poplar I 69 both the reproduction by sprout of stump division and the planting trees,indicated that in the young period the reproduction by sprout of the stump division spent less establishment and management cost could get higher ratio of surviving and greater deal of growth than the planting trees. Author’s address:Guannan County Forestry Technology Centre,Jiangsu Guannan 222500 China
Journal of Jiangsu Forestry Science & Technology