2Michael D. Swaine, "Perceptions of an Assertive China," China Leadership Monitor, No.32, 2010. 被引量:1
3"China' s Arrival: A Strategic Framework for a Global Relationship," Center for a New American Security, Sept.2009. 被引量:1
4Nancy BirdsaU and Francis Fukuyama, "The Post-Washington Consensus: Development after the Crisis," Foreign Afiraits, March/April 2011. 被引量:1
5Samuel P. Huntington, Who Are We. theChMlenges to America's National Identity, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2004, p. 262; Leon T. Hadar, "Don't Fear China," The AmericanConsetvan've, Dec 17, 2010. 被引量:1
6Andrew Hurrel, "Hegemony, Liberalism and Global Order: What Space for Would-be Great Powers?" Intemational Affairs, VoI.82, No. 1, 2006. 被引量:1
7Thomas Friedman, "Never Heard That Before," New York Times, Jan 30, 2010. 被引量:1
8lan Bremmer, The End of the Free Market. Who Wins the War between States and Corporations, New York: Portfolio, 2010. 被引量:1
9Roger Cohen,"China vs. U.S.: Democracy Confronts Hamlony," Internat2bnal Herald Tribune, Nov 22, 2006. 被引量:1
10Francis Fukuyama, "US Democracy Has Litde to Teach China," Financial Times, Jan 17, 2011. 被引量:1