目的 探讨扩大腹腔镜外科手术的适应证范围。方法 患急性阑尾炎的孕妇3 例(妊娠2.5~6.5 个月),老年患者12例(60~70 岁),年幼患者5 例(11~15 岁),胆囊旁阑尾2 例,盆腔位阑尾4 例,蛔虫性阑尾炎1 例,作了腹腔镜阑尾切除术。结果 25 例均成功完成手术,手术时间平均30.5分钟。1 例患者术中漏诊直肠上段癌,术后6 天确诊。并发戳口感染1 例。结论 腹腔镜阑尾切除术具有创伤小、恢复快及瘢痕小等优点,对孕妇、老年人、小儿、异位阑尾及蛔虫性等特殊类型的阑尾炎,也能体现其优点,值得进一步探索。
Objective Extention in scope of indications for laparoscopy was explored.Methods Laparoscopic appendectomies were performed smoothly in women with pregnancy of 2.5~6.5 months, n=3; in the aged of 60~70 years, n=12; in the young of 11~15 years of age, n=5 and in dislocated appendices as to right upper quadrant, n=2; or into pelvis , n=4, as well as caused by ascaris,n=1. Results The procedure was carried out without difficulty in an average of 30.5 minutes.A missed perforation from rectal cancer was confirmed on the 6 postoperative day. A stab wound infection was recorded. Conclusion The characteristics of laparoscopic appendectomy could be manifested more evidently in special cases as related above.
Chinese Journal of Digestive Endoscopy