3MaPtin Wilson, BBC Connect Media LitePacy, 18 May 2010, presented at the conference in Belgium. 被引量:1
4Ofcom, What is media literacy ? 来源:http: //www.ofcom. org.uk/advice/media_literacy/of reed lit/ whatis/.2010 4--18. 被引量:1
5Martin Wilson, BBC Iaunches First Click - a camp&ign to encourage people to get online, Post categories: Media liter&cy 14:02 UK time, Monday, 11 October 2010, 来源: http: //www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/&boutthebbc/2010/lO/ bbc-launches-first-click --a-c. shtml. 被引量:1
6Seetha Kumar, The BBC and digital inclusion and participation, speech given on 2 November 2009, at the Skills for Life Conference. 被引量:1
7来源:http: //www.google.com.hk/search ? hl=zh-C N &source=hp&q=The+BBC+&nd+digit&l+inclusion+&nd+parti cip&tion+&,btnG=Google+%E6%90% 9C%E 7%B4%A2&&q f &&qi=&a, ql=&oq=&gs rfai=. 被引量:1
8Media Literacy: A report into research conducted on behalf of the BBC Trust, The Knowledge Agency, March 2010, 来源 : http : //www. bbc. co. uk/bbctrust/assets;s/ffles/ pdf / review reporLresearch/ara2009_ 10/media literacy, pdf. 被引量:1