本文认为塑料片材的生产方式对其拉伸性能的均匀性有影响。随着拉伸试样平行区宽度或厚度的减少,拉伸强度和断裂伸长率均增加,这主要是因为韧性试样受到拉伸时发生剪切变形作用,较窄( 或较薄) 的试样将出现较大的剪切形变速率,使高分子线团网络达到较高的拉伸取向程度。试验环境温度的降低可使PVC片材的σt 值升高、εt 值减少( 反之亦然) ,呈现很好的直线关系。
It is found that the method of production of plastic sheet has influence on uniformity of tensile performance. The tensile strength and break elongation has increased with reduce of thickness or width of parallel area of sample because narrow or thin sample appears bigger shear deformation when they have suffered tension. It is showed that σ t increases and ε t decreases with reduce of environment temperature. Above results have been applied to new quality standard.
Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University