自适应滤波器是一种能够自动调整本身参数的滤波器,在设计时不需要预先知道关于输入信号和噪声的统计特性。通过改变系统的单位冲击响应,达到最优滤波效果。本文采用Matlab和System Generator对LMS算法的自适应滤波器进行设计和仿真,结果表明其可以对信号噪声的自适应滤除。
Adaptive filter is featured by its automatic parameter adjustment.The input signal and noise statistics characteristic is not needed when designing the filter.Optimum filter is achieved by changing the pulse response of the filter.This article designed and simulated a LMS adaptive filter using Matlab and System Generator.The results showed its adaptive noise filtering out from input signal.
Science and Technology of West China