为检查模型之间的一致性和模型的完备性, 本文根据UML1.1 规范,通过在可视化建模工具Rose98上开发的一个铁路模型的实例详细描述了对于软件系统如何从多个视点建立一个规范、实用的模型;并提出了一种基于UML模型的动态模拟方法,给出了动态模拟工具设计方案, 这种方法充分结合了当前的用户界面、动画技术和UML语言的半形式化语义特点.
With an example railway management application developed under Rose98, a visual modeling tool, how to build normative and useful models for a software system complied with UML specification version 1.1 and from multiple views is discussed in detail. In order to check the consistency and the maturity of the models, a dynamic simulation method of them is proposed which utilizes the current user interface and simulative picture techniques and the half formalization semantics of UML. Finally, the design of a dynamic simulating tool is also presented.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)