为了研究不同的参量对塑料焊接的焊缝宽度和焊接深度的影响,建立了塑料激光穿透焊接的数学模型和有限元模型,并利用有限元软件ANSYS对焊接时的温度场进行了计算分析,得到了不同参量下塑料焊接的焊缝宽度和焊接深度。结果表明,单位面积的聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(polymethyl methacrylate,PMMA)塑料在单位时间吸收的激光能量越高,焊接深度越大,焊接强度越大;而焊缝的宽度则受到光斑半径和单位面积塑料单位时间内吸收的激光能量的共同影响,随着光斑半径的增大,出现先增大后减小的变化趋势。
In order to investigate the effect of different welding parameters on the welding width and depth, the mathematical and finite element model of plastic transmission welding were proposed, and the welding temperature distribution was calculated by means of ANSYS, and the welding width and depth for different parameters was predicted. The results show that the welding depth increases with increasing of the laser energy absorbed by polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) in a unit area and unit time, the welding width is affected by the laser diameter and the laser energy absorbed by PMMA in a unit area and unit time, and the welding depth increases firstly and then decreases with the laser diameter increasing.
Laser Technology