

ICM of Photosynthetic Bacteria and Functional Rafts of Cytoplasma Membrane
摘要 细胞膜具有重要的生理功能,功能筏及膜穴系统是细胞膜的功能结构单元,是进一步研究细胞膜结构和功能的基础。光合细菌胞质内膜与功能筏及膜穴系统在结构和功能上高度一致,可以认为光合细菌胞质内膜是研究细胞膜功能筏及膜穴系统的较好模型。 Membrane has many biological physiology functions. Functional rafts and caveolae are the functional structure units of membrane, which is the basis of researching structures and functions of cytoplasma membrane. Photosynthetic bacteria ICM is in accord with functional rafts and caveolae in structures and functions, so ICM of photosynthetic bacteria is thought as research model of the functional rafts and caveolae of cytoplasma membrane.
出处 《桂林理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期273-277,共5页 Journal of Guilin University of Technology
基金 国家"863"计划项目(2006AA02Z138) 重庆市科委自然科学基金项目(2007BB5414)
关键词 细胞膜 功能筏 光合细菌 胞质内膜 cytoplasma membrane functional rafts photosynthetic bacteria ICM
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