将基于矢量距理论的免疫算法应用于最优潮流计算,并在计算中引进自适应交叉和变异算子,根据抗体个体的适应度大小来动态调整交叉率和变异率,很大程度上保护了每代中的较优个体。根据最优潮流中控制变量的特点,运用浮点数编码方法,无需解码,计算简单;通过用IEEE 30节点标准测试系统计算多次,燃料耗费显著改善,表明了所用方法的可行性和有效性。
In this paper, the immune algorithm with vector distance theory of optimization power flow (OPF) is proposed, and adaptive cross and mutual operators are added to the process, and the cross ratio and mutual ratio is adjusted dynamically according to the fitness of antibody individuals, the better individual is protected effectively. Float encoding is used on account of its non-decoding feature and simple calculation. The result of several calculations by the IEEE 30-bus system shows that the waste of fuel is improved evidently; and the feasibility and effectiveness of the method used are clearly indicated.
Power System and Clean Energy