采用酶联免疫法检测24 例肺心病患者和30 例健康中老年人的尿视黄醇结合蛋白 (RBP), 转铁蛋白(TRF) 水平。同时测定其血尿素氮(BUN), 肌酐 (Cr)。结果: 肺心病患者尿RBP、TRF水平较对照组显著升高 (P< 0.01),其中合并心衰患者较无合并心衰者的尿RBP、TRF水平有显著性差异(P< 0.01)。表明患肺心病患者确存在肾功能的损害, 动态观察尿RBP、TRF水平变化是判断其早期肾功能损害的敏感方法,
The levelof retinal-binding-protein (RBP) and transferrin (TRF) w as m easured by using ELISA in urine of 24 patients w ith cor pulm onale and 30 health subjects. It w as found that the levels of RBP and TRFin the patients w ith cor pulm onale w ere significantly higher than in health subjects (P< 0.01) . RBP and TRF levels in the cor pulm onale patients associated w ith right heart breakdow n w ere greatly differentfrom those w ithoutheartbreakdow n (P< 0.01). The results show ed thatthe dam ages to kidney function in the patients w ith corpulm onale existed indeed. The dynam ic observation ofthe levels of RBPand TRFw as a sentive m ethod for estim ating early renalfunction dam age.
Acta Universitatis Medicinae Tongji