
金属成形机械载荷特点及完善设计理论的研究 被引量:1

Exploration of Design Principles for Metal Forming Machine under Dynamic Loading
摘要 本文从识别输入着手,从理论上导出了7种典型工艺冲击载荷的时域和频域表达式,分析了冲击载荷的时域和频域特性及其对金属成形机械动态性能的影响,揭示了金属成形机械在理论和实践上存在的问题,指出完善和发展金属成形机械设计理论的方向和途径。 In order to make clear the new contributions of this paper, it is necessaryfirst to review briefly previous research. Beliaef investigated the peak value of dynamic load for metal formingmachine [1]. Altan, Li et al studied the relationship between the outputenergy and load [2-3]. He, the author et al studied the effect of rate of loadingon the magnitude of stress in machine component, and they pointed out thatunder the same nominal load the dynamic stress is higher than static stress by 25~80% [6,8]. Gu discussed the effect of frequency of pulsating load on dynamicstresst[7]. Hupfel [5] studied the factors that influence dynamic lood [8, 9].But all the above references dealt only to a very limited extent with theeffects of characteristics of dynamic loading on the output responses. Thispaper attempts to study such effects systematically. One contribution of this paper is that the author studies relatively system-atically and separately the characteristics of dynamic loading and the outputresponses for metal forming machine. For seven typical metal processing methodsin metal forming machines, the author derives time-domain and frequency-domainformulas (formula 1 to formula 13) and presents their corresponding graphs(fig. 1 to fig. 5). Then eqs. (1) to (13) and figs. 1 to 5 are used to analyzethe characteristics of dynamic loading. This paper studies the following outputresponses: vibration and noise, static and dynamic stress, dynamic rigidity,fatigue and fracture, etc. The main contribution of this papor is believed to be that the author etp-lores with considerable originality some of the principles governing the effectsof characteristics of dynamic loading on output responses of metal formingmachine. Details of such exploration are given in section 1 of the full paper.
作者 黄吕权
机构地区 西北工业大学
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第4期416-424,共9页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 金属成形机械 冲击载荷 design principle metal forming machine dynamic loading timedomain frequency-domain.
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  • 1黄吕权,西北工业大学学报,1987年,5卷,1期,57页 被引量:1
  • 2顾煜基,中国机械工程学会第二次锻压学术年会交流论文,1979年 被引量:1
  • 3何德誉,中国机械工程学会第二次锻压学术年会交流论文,1979年 被引量:1
  • 4李培武,山东大学论文报告集,1978年,1期 被引量:1











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