Located in the region where the West River meets with the North River, the reach of Dengping Waterway under regulation is one of flood carrying courses with great difficulties for regulation due to a number of sheds of various types and complicated flow condition. On the basis of plenty of full scale hydrologic and topographic data,analysis of hydrodynamic conditions, conditions of inflow and incoming sediment and also riverbed evoution has been carried out in combination with model tests to reveal the formation causes and mechanism of shoals so that oriented regulation work could be taken to achieve gdri results. For the siltation of Laoyazhou Shal due to backflow, engineering measures such as building groynes to change the location of bifurcationpoints,eliminating backflow at the shoal and violating the conditions for shoaling have been taken. After regulatha, the shoal disappeared and the channel became unblocked. For the rapid and shallow west outlet of Sixianjiso,fow blocking dams have been built both to limit the flow and scour the sediment with the help of the flow passing through the darn to deepen the channel. The depth of Dengping Waterway has increased from less than 2. 0m t0 over 2. 5m, navigable for fleets of 1000 t and beneficial to flood disposal, thus achieving significant economic and social benefits.
Pearl River
channel regulation experimental study Dongping Waterway Pearl River