目的了解南京市城区成年居民的业余时间体力活动的流行病学分布特征。方法 2007年7—9月对南京市主城区中2个区内的6个居民小区30岁以上居民应用国际体力活动量表进行体力活动相关的现况调查,采用logistic回归分析社会经济因素与充足体力活动之间的关联。结果实际调查3 376人,应答率为91.6%。城区成年居民中业余时间从事中等强度体力活动为10.3%,达到充足体力活动标准者为8.2%。从事中等强度业余时间体力活动者的平均每天的活动时间为(47.6±33.7)min。性别与年龄对从事中等强度体力活动者有显著影响,女性、年长者参与中等强度业余体力活动的可能性显著小于男性和年轻者。结论南京城区成年居民的中等强度业余体力活动的水平有待进一步提高,可以根据不同性别和年龄的人群设计不同的体力活动促进项目。
[Objective]To investigate the epidemiological distribution of physical activity of urban adults at leisure-time in Nanjing City.[Methods]The residents aged≥30 years from 6 urban communities of 2 districts were selected in Nanjing City from July to September 2007 for survey with International Physical Activity Questionnaire(IPAQ).Logistic regression models were applied to examine the association between socioeconomic factors and moderate physical activity.[Results]Totally,3 376 residents completed the follow-up survey in this study with a response rate of 91.6%.The rate of leisure-time moderate physical activity was 10.3% among participants,while the average time spent on moderate physical activity was(47.6±33.7) minutes per day for those engaging in moderate physical activity,in which 8.3% achieved the recommended standards for sufficient physical activity.Gender and age had significant influence on the participation in moderate physical activity.Female and the elders were less likely to participate in leisure-time moderate physical activity relative to male and youngers.[Conclusion]Gender and age-specific physical activity promotion programs are expected to initiate to enhance the level of leisure-time moderate physical activity among urban adults in Nanjing City.
Occupation and Health