目的研究目前已知48项产前危险因素与新生儿窒息之间的关联,筛查对新生儿窒息有意义的危险因素,为制订预防措施提供帮助。方法详细记录本院出生的20605例活产婴及相关的高危情总况及发生窒息情况,采用多元Logistic回归分析,筛查对发生窒息有意义的危险因素,并计算其相对风险比(OR)和95%的可信区间(CI)。结果 20605例活产婴中有16353例(79.36%)有危险因素,发生新生儿窒息196例,发生率1.20%,无危险因素4252例,发生新生儿窒息5例,发生率0.12%;共发现有意义的相关因素17项。除剖宫产为保护因素外,其余均为危险因素。结论为了降低新生儿窒息,应着重了解孕妇是否患有肺脏病、高血压及死胎死产史,排查前置胎盘、胎盘早剥及胎位异常情况,胎心监护异常及羊水粪染是胎儿宫内窘迫的敏感指标,如达到剖宫产适应证,剖宫产将会降低出生窒息的发生。
Objective This study is to perspectively investigate the relationship between all the 47 known prenatal risk factors and neonatal asphyxia,and screen the significant risk factors,in order to make up the prevention strategies. Methods Totally 20605 live-born newborns in our hospital were consecutively enrolled in this study. Containing prenatal risk factors、neonatal asphyxia and so on. The significant risk factors were screened by way of multiple logistic regression analysis. The OR and 95% CI were counted for each significant risk factors. Results Among the 20605 newborns,16353 cases had risk factors with 196 cases occured asphyxia and 4252 cases had no risk factors with 5 asphyxia occurred.The 17 significant risk factors were found,except cesarean section,others were all hazard factors. Conclusion In order to Reduce the incidence of neonatal asphyxia,we should primarily check pregnant woman with maternal lung diseases,maternal Hypertension,abnormal reproductive history or not. To inspect placenta previa,placenta abruptia and abnormal presentation one by one,ominous fetal heart rate patterns and meconium stained amniotic fluid were sensitive index for fetal distress,proper cesareon section according to indication may decrease the incidence of birth asphyxia.
Contemporary Medicine