2010年,中国人民解放军第八五医院参与了上海世博会的"三防"医学救援工作,组成"三防"医学救援应急机动组,成员包括军医、护士和司机.医务人员来自烧伤外科、骨科、普外科、呼吸科、神经内科等科室,均具有中高级技术职称,参加过"四川汶川抗震救灾"、"奥运安保"和军区、分部组织的军事演习等重大军事行动,具有扎实的军事素质、卫勤保障能力和专业技术能力.他们接受了有关核辐射突发事件、化学事故、生物恐怖袭击的理论知识,个人防护基本技能、急救技术、快速反应和协同训练等五个方面的培训.做到了"一专多能".科学制定预案,确定了多条机动路线,以能够根据具体情况确定最佳路线,及时到达现场.在备勤期间,执行任务人员保持24 h在院待命,听令后18 min内出发.在近8个月的世博安保备勤期间,"三防"医学救援应急机动组不但圆满完成了此次世博安保任务,为今后平战时各种"核、生、化"突发事件的医学应急救援做好了人员和技术的储备.
During the World Expo Shanghai 2010, the No 85 Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army participated in the medical rescue against nuclear, chemical, and biologic emergency events. A specific medical rescue mobile team was established, made up of medical officers, nurses, and drivers. The medical personnel came from the departments of burn, orthopedics, general surgery, respiratory diseases, neurology, etc., all with the middle or higher professional titles. All of them had gone into the disaster relief in the earthquake-stricken area of Wenchuan, Sichuan Province,participated in the Olympic security and crisis control, and several military exercises organized by the military area command and had excellent military quality, health service insurance ability, and professional skills. In addition, they received training of theories on individual nuclear radiation, chemical events, and biological terrorist attack, and basic skills of individual protection and first aid, rapid response, and co-training, so that they became experts in one thing and versatile at many. An emergency plan had been developed in advance. In the light of the realistic situation of traffic in Shanghai, several flexible driving routes were planned so as to determine the best way to reach the emergency spot. During the waiting periods the personnel remained in the hospital and would ~'~et off in 18 rain after receiving the order. During the period of standby for the World Expo lasting 8 months, the medical rescue emergency mobile group not only did its work to perfection, but also stored up necessary personnel and skills for the potential nuclear, chemical, and biological emergency events that should occur in the future, peacetime or wartime.
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
Security and protection against nuclear, chemical, and biological emergency events
Medical rescue
World Expo